Transmission System Availability

S.No. Month Total System Availability (%) Element Wise Availability
1. Apr-24 99.51
2. May-24 99.37
3. Feb-22 99.49
4. Mar-22 99.90
5. Apr-22 99.95
6. May-22 98.96
7. Jun-22 99.68
8. Jul-22 99.77
9. Aug-22 99.66
10. Sep-22 99.87
11. Oct-22 97.53
12. Nov-22 99.55
13. Dec-22 97.37
14. Jan-23 97.06
15. Feb-23 99.76


  1. 1.Monthly Transmission System Availability Data is Provisional
  2. 2.Transmission System Availability Data for the Entire Year shall be uploaded after any corrections/rectifications in monthly data and shall be final.
  3. 3.The Total System Availability % age has been derived from the average of element-wise Transmission System availability.